what is compliance precision life sciences
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Compliance means following a rule or request. In healthcare laboratory operations, when we talk about compliance, we refer to complying with the rules, regulations, policies, and laws created and enforced by, among others, federal and state governments, government healthcare programs, insurance programs, and any public or private payor.

ethics go beyond what is circumscribed by laws and means precision life sciences

What are ethics?

Ethics go beyond what is circumscribed by laws and means to “DO THE RIGHT THING, EVEN WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING.

What is Precision’s philosophy regarding compliance and ethics?

Precision employees, staff, contractors, and affiliated persons will fully comply with all laws and other compliance requirements promulgated by any level of government and as may be relevant to the various health professions that order services and anyone, including the company, that provides healthcare services. We will not pursue or be involved in any business opportunity that comes with or requires unethical or illegal activity.

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Precision Life Sciences has separate and stand-alone Policies in place to ensure compliance with Laws.

PLS employees are expected to read, understand, acknowledge, and comply with all Company Policies, agreements, and procedures (collectively, “Policies”) whether the Policies are contained in or referenced in this Overview, the Code of Ethics, Handbook, Manual or any other policy, procedure, standard, directive or form or instrument.

As discussed in our company’s Code of Ethics, all employees are expected to adhere to the highest level of professional behavior, decorum, and ethics. In accordance with this charge, the Code of Ethics addresses common expectations regarding (and to facilitate unity among) our staff and the Practitioners that order our services and the Patients that benefit from our services and products. The Code of Ethics is also a statement of compliance with legal and regulatory guidelines all of which supports our Compliance Program.

The Code of Ethic’s guidelines govern all interactions with Practitioners, Patients, providers, customers, employees, Government agencies and their representatives and the public at large. Following the Code of Ethics is mandatory for all PLS employees, staff, contractors, and affiliated persons. While the Code of Ethics provides a basic description of unacceptable conduct and expected performance it does not cover all behaviors that may occur in the workplace.

Failure to comply with the Code of Ethics or any Policies is a serious matter and can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. There are many resources available to help an employee, staff, contractor or affiliated person to determine if there is a law, regulation, policy, procedure, standard or directive that would apply to a situation you are faced with, including, supervisors, PLS’s Human Resources function, PLS’s Management, the Chief Compliance Officer and through use of PLS’s Compliance Email Address: compliance@plslab.com